There are many festivals in Thai culture. They recognize their Chinese, Thai, Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim roots. There are pagan and political overtones. They love to celebrate all this creatively.
Loi Krathong is the Lantern festival where the celebrate the full moon in November. The activities include launching burning kites into the air and floating homemade decorated rafts in the lake. The small rafts are decorated with incense, flowers, palm leaves. Launching the rafts and kites are done at night so it is very dramatic. They also celebrate Chinese new year, Thai new year and European new year. Thai new year is called Songkran and it is celebrated with water "fights". They throw water balloons, pour buckets of water on motorbikes as you pass, spray water in every direction. It's madness and it's fun. I believe the water aspect was originally intended as purification. Outsiders turned it into this game.
I noticed someone that looked like they had acne surgery on their cheeks. They had two bandaids, one on each cheek. There are a lot of cosmetic surgeons and various cheap medical treatment in Thailand, so I wasn't surprised except this was a Thai woman. Last night I saw another person with a bandage in the same spots. Odd. Thought nothing of it. Then a third person... I'm sitting at home later and it comes to me. There is a part of this last festival where people "self-mutilate". They stick a knife thru their cheeks. I had seen pictures but never saw it at the festival. Wow. Now I've seen the results. The festival pictured below is where they light candles in a small plate-sized decorated raft with incense and float it out into the water (in this case a reservoir). This has something to do with getting blessings for the new year. They also have these kites that they launch that float up into the sky. The floating kite is exciting to watch as it drifts high into the sky and becomes invisible in the night. |
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