Big Meadows April 2023

First of Spring - we had spring in DC, now we have spring on the mountaintop

We are diehard campers, so this staying in the lodge thing made things very comfortable. We had been to the park many times for a day trip to drive in the mountains, camping and climbing Old Rag which was nearby. The park is in western Virginia. As we used to drive out that way we'd see a lot of Trump signs. That's a clear sign of white supremacy and danger for people who are different. The fact that they had banjo music playing the whole time indicated that the atmosphere was meant to attract white people. It is like comfort music for white people. I'm not saying it's bad music but when it and nothing else is playing it gives a message.

The clientele was white as well overwhelmingly. The overall vibe was a message of white comfort. It was made for white locals and they were there. I had a couple brief uncomfortable conversations with people who preferred not to talk with someone who is mixing races like I am.


There was lots of fog. We arrived late at night in a rainy fog storm. The GPS took us to a fire road entrance which we couldn't navigate. We almost missed the dinner hour at the Big Meadows lodge dining hall.

We left NW DC about 5 o'clock. The GPS fire road incident wore us out in combination with the heavy fog and rain. At one point as we approached the fire road the road slope was approaching 45 degrees. The roads were narrowing and very windy. It was exhausting and frustrating. My solution for next time will be to look for route 211. That's the road that crosses the park at Thornton Gap. 

Morning view from above. This the view from our front balcony facing away from the valley 

Large block of lodge rooms. We had a room on the second floor 

Heavy dew after the fog breaks

There was quite a strong breeze throughout the day, with some clouds and sun alternating. 

Moss... lichen... lichen... moss 

Inside the dining room 

The layers and contrasting clouds make an interesting view

Long view 

Rocky crag at the summit

View of clouds at the summit 

Karen near the summit

Rich colors above and a blanket of clouds below 

Exposed rocks near the summit

The lichen and endless mosses were so beautiful but subtle 

Looks like cuneiforms on the bare tree after the bark has died and dropped off 

Inside the lodge in the non-dining area. Beautiful wood was everywhere. I love these national parks.

The valley peeks through the clouds and fog 

Front view of the main lodges cabins

Carpet of green contrasting with a cool ceilling 

Appalachian Trail sign from the roadside 

Appalachian Trail

Jack in the Pulpit 

Dim light through glowing spring foliage

Dim sun through the clouds highlighting trees and rock 

Karen on the trail. 

Gorgeous overlooks everywhere

This trail was an easy grade 

Gorgeous overlooks everywhere

The light was beautiful on the trail Sunday. Temperature was comfortable for walking.  

Fiddle head ferns 

Gnarly trees were everywhere. This is a very high mountaintop exposed to wind and visitors

Rare sighting of the sun peeking thru 

There was banjo music on the radio 24x7 in the lodge except when this guy was performing in the tap room.

The clouds broke on Saturday but still had dramatic consequences in the valley.  

This is the original lodge side of the main building. 

Inside the lodge room was this quilt

View from the balcony of our room. 

Another gorgeous view with breakfast

Main lodge balcony - view of the valley in cloud cover  

Deep cloud cover in the valley 

Odd shaped tree

Tree mother and daughter 

Interesting hollowed out tree

Main lodge viewing room from the window 

Fog... moss... lichens... 

Deep fog

Foggy driveway 

Tree with large hole in fog

Interesting fiddle head ferns with some sort of covering  

Karen practicing her "scare the bear away stance"