Faith Commitment

I come today to join a local expression of the Church, which is the body of those on whom the call of God rests to witness to the grace and truth of God.

I realize that the function of the Church is to glorify God in adoration and sacrificial service, and to be God's missionary to the world, bearing witness to God's redeeming grace in Jesus Christ.

I believe as did Peter and Martha that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

I unreservedly and with abandon commit my life and destiny to Christ, promising to give Him a practical priority in all the affairs of Life. I will seek first the Kingdom of God and God's Righteousness.

I commit myself, regardless of the expenditures of time, energy, and money to becoming an informed, mature Christian.

I believe that God is the total owner of my life and resources. I give God the throne in relation to the material aspect of my life. God is the owner. I am the ower. Because God is a lavish giver, I too shall be lavish and cheerful in my regular gifts.

Realizing that Jesus taught and exemplified a life of love, I will seek to be loving in all relations with other individuals, groups, classes, races and nations and will seek to be a reconciler, living in a manner which will end all war, personal and public.

I make a radical commitment to build a caring and just society, to participate concretely with the oppressed in their struggles, to dialogue, and to the critical contemplation of my own life and the life of my faith community.

I will seek to eliminate the divisions between different socioeconomic classes, age groups and races, and to create solidarity between people of different national, ethnic, religious and cultural traditions.

I will seek to bring every phase of my life under the Lordship of Christ.

When I move from this place, I will join some other expression of the Christian Church.

Created on ... November 02, 2003